
Health + Wellness Resorts

The world of health and wellness resorts has taken off in recent years as individuals seek to prioritise their health and well-being. With these resorts offering a place to unwind, train and refocus both the body and mind, popularity has risen, and health and fitness resorts are the place to be. 

With health resorts offering a wide array of services, guests can indulge in rejuvenating therapies, fitness classes, personal training, yoga and other activities such as hiking, swimming or cycling whilst savouring nutritious and delicious meals that nourish the body. 

Emphasising the importance of balance, health and wellness retreats encourage guests to find harmony between physical, mental and emotional well-being. Not only that - these retreats are not just about relaxation - they also offer educational opportunities for guests to learn about healthy living practices and how to build sustainable habits to implement in their everyday lives. 

With destinations like Bali, Thailand and Vietnam offering standout destinations for wellness retreats over the years, other destinations are fast becoming desirable; with locations across the globe offering harmonious blends of natural beauty and holistic experiences which cater to individual needs. For example, one such country that’s joining the health, wellness and fitness movement is Sri Lanka. With the natural beauty of the beach, paddy fields and the hill country, Sri Lanka is the perfect backdrop to work on yourself.

And this is exactly what we offer here at Makahiya Fitness. Set deep in the heart of the jungle of Sri Lanka, our health and fitness retreat offers a unique experience; from bespoke personal training to group fitness classes, ice baths for recovery, complimented perfectly by our nutritious menu, our wellness retreat can be designed entirely to your needs. 

Whether you’re looking for a short getaway or a longer stay, Makahiya Fitness can offer a transformative experience leaving you feeling refreshed, revitalised and inspired to continue your wellness journey long after you leave. 

Want to find out more about what we offer? Click the button below to view our packages.

The Science-Backed Benefits of Ice Baths: Taking the Plunge Towards Better Health

In the realm of wellness and recovery, there's a growing trend that involves plunging into freezing cold water – ice baths. While the mere thought of immersing oneself in icy water might make you shiver, proponents of this practice tout numerous benefits that extend far beyond the initial shock. From athletes to wellness enthusiasts, ice baths have garnered attention for their potential to boost physical recovery, enhance mental resilience, and even improve overall health. Let's dive into the science-backed benefits of ice baths and explore why more people are taking the plunge towards better health.

1. Accelerated Muscle Recovery

One of the primary reasons athletes and fitness enthusiasts turn to ice baths is the potential for accelerated muscle recovery. After intense physical activity, muscles can become inflamed and sore due to micro-tears in muscle fibers. Cold exposure from an ice bath can help constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation, effectively alleviating muscle soreness and speeding up the recovery process. This is why many professional athletes incorporate ice baths into their post-training routines to help them bounce back faster for their next performance.

2. Reduction of Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury or stress, but chronic inflammation can lead to various health issues. Ice baths have been shown to reduce inflammation by causing blood vessels to constrict, which limits the flow of blood and inflammatory substances to affected areas. This vasoconstriction, followed by vasodilation once you exit the ice bath, can create a pumping effect that flushes out waste products and reduces inflammation in the process.

3. Enhanced Endorphin Release

The "runner's high" is a well-known phenomenon where strenuous exercise triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators. Cold exposure, like that experienced in an ice bath, can also stimulate endorphin release. While the initial shock might feel uncomfortable, the subsequent increase in endorphins can leave you with a sense of euphoria and improved mood, similar to what you might experience after a good workout.

4. Improved Circulation

Cold exposure has a powerful impact on circulation. When exposed to cold water, your body undergoes vasoconstriction, which is the narrowing of blood vessels. This process encourages blood to circulate more efficiently in the body's core, protecting vital organs. When you exit the ice bath, your blood vessels dilate again, creating a flushing effect that can help improve overall blood circulation.

5. Mental Resilience and Stress Relief

Taking an ice bath requires a mental fortitude that goes beyond the physical discomfort. Enduring the cold for a short period can build mental resilience, teaching you how to stay calm and focused even in uncomfortable situations. The controlled stress of an ice bath can help desensitize your nervous system to stressors in everyday life. Over time, this can lead to better stress management and an improved ability to handle challenging situations.

6. Enhanced Immune Function

Cold exposure has been linked to improvements in immune function. The cold stress from an ice bath can stimulate the production of white blood cells, which play a crucial role in defending the body against infections. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory effects of cold exposure can contribute to a more balanced immune response. While more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these benefits, preliminary studies suggest that regular cold exposure might indeed have a positive impact on immune health.

7. Skin Rejuvenation

Cold exposure can have rejuvenating effects on the skin. Cold water constricts blood vessels, which can temporarily tighten the skin and reduce puffiness. Furthermore, the cold temperature can stimulate collagen production, promoting skin elasticity and a more youthful appearance. Many skincare routines incorporate cold treatments for these reasons, and an ice bath can provide a whole-body version of this revitalizing experience.

While ice baths might not be everyone's cup of tea, the science-backed benefits are hard to ignore. From accelerated muscle recovery and reduced inflammation to enhanced mental resilience and immune function, the potential advantages of regular cold exposure are wide-ranging. It's important to note that ice baths should be approached with caution, especially for those with certain medical conditions. Always consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating ice baths into your routine, and start gradually to allow your body to adapt to the cold stress.

Whether you're an athlete looking to optimize your performance or simply seeking new ways to improve your overall well-being, taking the occasional icy plunge might just be the invigorating practice you need. So, why not embrace the cold and discover the transformative potential of ice baths for yourself?

Book a fitness holiday at Makahiya Fitness in Sri Lanka and we’ll help you fall in love with ice baths:

The Complete Guide to Taking Creatine: Dosage and Timing Tips

Following on from our previous blog about why women should take creatine, here’s a little bit more on how and when you should take this supplement.

If you're serious about maximising your fitness gains and improving athletic performance, creatine monohydrate could be your secret weapon. However, figuring out the right dosage and timing for creatine consumption can be a bit confusing. In this comprehensive guide, we'll demystify the facts and help you make the most of this potent supplement.

1. Finding the Ideal Dosage
When it comes to creatine monohydrate, the "loading phase" isn't necessary for most people. For the majority of individuals, a daily dosage of 3 to 5 grams is sufficient. This small amount is enough to saturate your muscles with creatine over time, yielding remarkable results without overwhelming your system.

2. Timing Your Creatine Intake
The timing of your creatine consumption can influence its effectiveness. While there isn't a strict rule, there are two primary strategies to consider:

a. Pre-Workout: Taking creatine about 30 minutes before your workout can enhance your performance during high-intensity exercises. It ensures that the creatine is readily available for your muscles when you need it the most, enabling you to push harder and longer.

b. Post-Workout: Alternatively, taking creatine immediately after your workout can assist in the recovery process. Replenishing your muscles' creatine stores helps kickstart the recovery process, leading to quicker repair and growth.

3. Non-Training Days
On rest days, taking creatine at the same time you would on training days can maintain consistent levels in your body. While it might not have an immediate impact on performance, this approach supports long-term benefits and helps you stay on track with your supplementation.

4. Mixing Creatine
Creatine monohydrate can be easily mixed with water, juice, or your favourite protein shake. The key is to ensure it dissolves completely for maximum absorption.

5. Stay Hydrated
Creatine may increase your body's water needs, so remember to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

6. Duration
Long-term use of creatine monohydrate has been shown to be safe for most individuals without the need for cycling. Scientific studies have demonstrated the supplement's safety and effectiveness when used continuously. However, some athletes may still choose to cycle the supplement to maintain a balanced approach to their supplementation.

In conclusion, creatine monohydrate is a powerful and versatile supplement that can significantly enhance your fitness journey. By following these guidelines on dosage and timing, you'll unlock the full potential of creatine and take your performance to new heights. Stay consistent, stay hydrated, and embrace the gains as you fuel your body with this fitness-enhancing wonder!

Book a fitness holiday at Makahiya Fitness in Sri Lanka and we’ll help you reach your goals:

Unleashing Her Inner Power: Why Women Can't Afford to Ignore Creatine

Creatine, often associated with male athletes, has long been a staple in the world of sports nutrition. But what about women? Can they benefit from this widely popular supplement as well? In this blog post, we’ll shed light on why women should consider incorporating creatine into their fitness routine. Let’s explore the untapped potential and unlock the power within.

1. Breaking Stereotypes: Debunking the Myth

Creatine has often been seen as a supplement exclusively for men, linked to bulking up and massive gains. However, it’s time to break free from such stereotypes. While women naturally have lower muscle mass compared to men, the benefits of creatine extend beyond size and can enhance performance for both genders.

2. Unleashing Strength and Power

Creatine is a fuel source for high-intensity activities, providing the energy needed for short bursts of power. By supplementing with creatine, women can tap into this resource, allowing for greater strength gains and improved performance in activities like weightlifting, sprinting, and other explosive movements.

3. Enhancing Endurance and Recovery

While the emphasis on strength gains is often highlighted, creatine offers more than just raw power. For women engaged in endurance activities, creatine supplementation can aid in improved hydration and enhanced muscle recovery. This means quicker bounce-backs, reduced fatigue, and increased endurance during prolonged workouts or intense training sessions.

4. Boosting Cognitive Function

Beyond the physical benefits, creatine has also shown potential cognitive benefits. Research suggests that creatine supplementation may improve cognitive performance, memory, and overall brain function. Women can tap into these advantages, helping them stay focused, alert, and mentally sharp.

5. Understanding the Types of Creatine

It’s important to note that there are various types of creatine supplements available on the market. However, the most researched and widely used form is creatine monohydrate. It has been extensively studied for its safety and effectiveness in enhancing athletic performance and muscle strength. Therefore, when considering creatine supplementation, I recommend choosing creatine monohydrate for its proven track record.

Creatine is not just reserved for men; it holds great potential for women as well. By embracing this supplement, women can harness the benefits of increased strength, power, endurance, improved recovery, and even cognitive enhancement. Let’s redefine what’s possible and empower women to excel in their fitness journeys, both physically and mentally. When selecting a creatine supplement, opt for creatine monohydrate for its well-established research-backed benefits.

Book a fitness holiday at Makahiya Fitness in Sri Lanka and we’ll help you reach your goals: