Unleashing Her Inner Power: Why Women Can't Afford to Ignore Creatine

Creatine, often associated with male athletes, has long been a staple in the world of sports nutrition. But what about women? Can they benefit from this widely popular supplement as well? In this blog post, we’ll shed light on why women should consider incorporating creatine into their fitness routine. Let’s explore the untapped potential and unlock the power within.

1. Breaking Stereotypes: Debunking the Myth

Creatine has often been seen as a supplement exclusively for men, linked to bulking up and massive gains. However, it’s time to break free from such stereotypes. While women naturally have lower muscle mass compared to men, the benefits of creatine extend beyond size and can enhance performance for both genders.

2. Unleashing Strength and Power

Creatine is a fuel source for high-intensity activities, providing the energy needed for short bursts of power. By supplementing with creatine, women can tap into this resource, allowing for greater strength gains and improved performance in activities like weightlifting, sprinting, and other explosive movements.

3. Enhancing Endurance and Recovery

While the emphasis on strength gains is often highlighted, creatine offers more than just raw power. For women engaged in endurance activities, creatine supplementation can aid in improved hydration and enhanced muscle recovery. This means quicker bounce-backs, reduced fatigue, and increased endurance during prolonged workouts or intense training sessions.

4. Boosting Cognitive Function

Beyond the physical benefits, creatine has also shown potential cognitive benefits. Research suggests that creatine supplementation may improve cognitive performance, memory, and overall brain function. Women can tap into these advantages, helping them stay focused, alert, and mentally sharp.

5. Understanding the Types of Creatine

It’s important to note that there are various types of creatine supplements available on the market. However, the most researched and widely used form is creatine monohydrate. It has been extensively studied for its safety and effectiveness in enhancing athletic performance and muscle strength. Therefore, when considering creatine supplementation, I recommend choosing creatine monohydrate for its proven track record.

Creatine is not just reserved for men; it holds great potential for women as well. By embracing this supplement, women can harness the benefits of increased strength, power, endurance, improved recovery, and even cognitive enhancement. Let’s redefine what’s possible and empower women to excel in their fitness journeys, both physically and mentally. When selecting a creatine supplement, opt for creatine monohydrate for its well-established research-backed benefits.

Book a fitness holiday at Makahiya Fitness in Sri Lanka and we’ll help you reach your goals: makahiyafitness.com/packages

The Rise of Fitness Holidays

In a world where stress and sedentary lifestyles are increasingly common, more people are seeking unique ways to combine their love for travel with their desire for fitness and wellness. Enter the fitness holiday. A growing trend that offers a blend of adventure, relaxation, and physical activity.

Fitness holidays provide an ideal opportunity to break free from your routine, unleash your inner adventurer and get fit along the way. Whether it's hiking through the jungle, biking along scenic coastal routes, or learning some new moves in the gym, these types of holidays offer a range of exhilarating activities to suit every fitness level and goal. Explore hidden gems and immerse yourself in the beauty of the local area while getting your adrenaline pumping.

Fitness holidays aren't just about pushing your physical limits; they often also emphasise recovery, relaxation and overall wellness. Many retreats and resorts offer ice baths, mobility and massage. Pamper yourself with soothing spa treatments and indulge in nourishing, wholesome meals that cater to your nutritional needs. whatever suits your goals and needs, these holidays prioritise self-care and rejuvenation.

One of the greatest benefits of fitness holidays is the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world. Surround yourself with a supportive community of fitness enthusiasts who share your passion for an active lifestyle. Engage in group workouts, share wellness tips, and form lasting friendships that extend beyond the duration of your holiday. The camaraderie and shared experiences create an uplifting and motivating environment, making fitness holidays an excellent way to foster personal growth and expand your social network.

Fitness holidays offer a unique and fulfilling way to prioritise your well-being while exploring new destinations. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or a combination of both, these holidays provide the perfect balance of physical activity, holistic wellness, and connection with like-minded individuals. So, pack your bags, lace up your sneakers, and embark on a fitness holiday that will leave you feeling revitalised and inspired.

Book your dedicated fitness package at Makahiya Fitness : makahiyafitness.com/packages

If you’re still unsure or need some questions answered then don’t hesitate to schedule a call with us.

An Introduction to HYROX: The Ultimate Fitness Challenge

With numerous fitness trends and challenges emerging, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for you. If you're seeking a unique and exhilarating fitness experience that combines endurance, strength, with a competitive edge, then HYROX might just be the perfect fit.

What is HYROX?

HYROX is a global fitness competition and training concept that combines functional fitness exercises with endurance challenges. It was created in 2017 by Christian Toetzke and Felix Eitner with the aim of bringing together athletes from various disciplines and fitness levels. HYROX events take place in large arenas and consist of eight workout stations, including rowing, running, burpees, wall balls, sandbag carries, sled pushes, box jumps, and lunges.

The HYROX Experience

Participating in HYROX offers an unparalleled fitness experience that pushes your physical and mental boundaries. Each event is divided into different divisions and age categories, allowing everyone to compete against their peers. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a fitness enthusiast, HYROX offers a challenging but inclusive environment where you can test your limits, track your progress, and have a blast.

The Benefits of HYROX

a) Full-Body Workout: HYROX engages multiple muscle groups, providing a comprehensive full-body workout. From cardiovascular endurance to strength training, each station targets different areas of your body, helping you achieve overall fitness and improved athletic performance.

b) Competitive Spirit: HYROX competitions fuel your competitive spirit, allowing you to challenge yourself and others. The camaraderie and energy of fellow participants create an electric atmosphere that motivates you to give your best and reach new heights.

c) Goal Setting and Progress Tracking: HYROX encourages goal setting and provides a tangible way to track your progress. Whether it's beating your personal best or aiming for a top spot in your division, HYROX offers a structured framework to set and achieve fitness goals.

d) Community and Support: HYROX events foster a sense of community and provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. You'll meet fellow fitness enthusiasts, share experiences, and form lasting friendships along the way.

HYROX presents a unique and thrilling fitness challenge that can revolutionise your approach to training. With its combination of functional exercises, endurance challenges, and a competitive atmosphere, HYROX pushes you to new limits while fostering a sense of community and support. Whether you're already a seasoned HYROX athlete or a fitness newbie, we can help you train for HYROX at Makahiya Fitness and take you to the next level. Book the ultimate fitness retreat with us in Sri Lanka and we’ll tailor your stay to your HYROX goals.

Book your dedicated fitness package at Makahiya Fitness here: makahiyafitness.com/packages

If you’re still unsure or need some questions answered then don’t hesitate to schedule a call with us.

Push Yourself in Paradise by Laura Coughlin, What's On Dubai

Ever flown home from a holiday feeling more depleted than you did when you left? Consider booking a sunshine escape to Sri Lanka’s Makahiya – a retreat that will actually rejuvenate you, physically as well as mentally...

Think of Sri Lanka and you probably imagine yourself lounging on a beach with a steady supply of cocktails. Not 7am wake-up calls, sweaty bootcamp sessions, ice baths and a booze ban. But if you’re looking for a break – and a holiday that leaves you feeling much better – Makahiya Fitness is for you.

The gorgeous purpose-built fitness centre in Unawatuna has been a labour of love for British couple – and all-round wonderful humans – Lizzy Chitty and James Jones, who moved to Sri Lanka in 2016 to start a new life among palm trees and paddy fields on Lanka’s lush south coast.

The hilltop haven that they’ve built has everything needed for the ultimate fitness getaway. With top-spec workout facilities, including a rooftop yoga shala, stunning infinity pool overlooking Lanka’s lush forests and a full menu of nourishing meals at their wonderful poolside restaurant, Makahiya is the perfect place to push yourself in paradise, and the workouts, setting, ethos and nutritious food are all designed to leave you feeling rejuvenated.

The tropical facility hosts a maximum of 16 guests in a range of eight deluxe digs. Each air-conditioned room is bright, spacious and contemporary, with a private balcony and modern ensuite bathroom. There’s A/C to keep you cool, hot water to wash off the day and ample Wi-Fi by the pool for when the boss wants a word.

The Daily Grind

Those familiar with restriction-based retreats will find Makahiya’s bon-vivant approach refreshing. Unlike other fitness camps that have hectic programming, Makahiya’s exercise regime is relatively loose. Each morning a class begins at 8am and ends around 9.30am. Then there’s another session at 4pm. You’re welcome to fill the gap in between as you please, either by sunbathing by the pool, swimming laps, hitting up a solo workout in the gym, going for a walk or, if you like, heading out to the nearby beach. It’s a perfectly balanced programme that’s rewarding, challenging and still leaves you feeling like you’re on holiday.

Food For Fitness

It might sound unusual for a health break, but you’ll never go hungry at Makahiya. The philosophy is to eat fresh and well, and the on-site restaurant is beloved not just by the owners and those on the retreat, but by Lanka’s gym bunny expat crew, who not only join in on the daily boot camp sessions but refuel here too. If you’re on the retreat, breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here every day of your stay where you’ll find a curated menu of nutritious dishes and nourishing drinks. Everyone talks about the protein pancakes as the ultimate breakfast of champions, and don’t be surprised if you order the grilled barramundi with sweet potato mash multiple times for dinner – it’s sublime.

Body Positive

Makahiya is not a weight-loss retreat. In fact, there isn’t even a set of scales on site. Instead, ex-rugby player James, and fitness coach Soph work with you to reframe your attitude to your body, helping you to make positive changes, both physically and mentally. The sessions are designed for all abilities, and the biggest surprise is that it’s fun. From team-based bootcamps that may feature wall balls, box jumps, (less fun) hill runs and sled pulls, to strength and mobility training, the jungle workouts are all sweat fest parties with a full schedule of daily classes, all of which are included in every retreat package.

Away from the bootcamps, Makahiya also has its own bespoke gym with an arsenal of Watson Gym Equipment, custom-made and shipped from the UK, that James reckons rivals any of Dubai’s best gyms. Unlimited access is part of every package, so you can step up whenever the squat rack calls. Plus, everyone receives a complimentary coaching session where the team work with you to set a fitness foundation and tailor the shape of your training for when you’re back home. You can add on more private sessions for just Dhs90 a class.

Book It

Book now. You won’t regret it.


Words: Laura Coughlin for What’s On Duabi

Why Our Fitness Retreat in Sri Lanka is the Perfect Place to Unplug and Recharge

When James and I first made the decision to move to Sri Lanka and open a fitness retreat in the jungle, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into! But it was a journey that we will always remember.

Finding the perfect location was a challenge in itself. We viewed so many plots of land before finally choosing our dream location in the most picturesque spot. Makahiya is at the top of a hill (perfect for hill runs!), overlooking lush paddy fields and beautiful palm trees. The building process was a huge challenge as literally everything was built from the ground up. We dealt with some intense situations from rebuilding the pool ourselves by hand, unexpectedly long rainy seasons and flooding, last minute design changes, monkeys stealing our building supplies and a lot more! All the hard work and craziness has all been worth it and our retreat centre - Makahiya Fitness - is actually here.

As I sit in the restaurant on my laptop in our very own retreat centre, surrounded by the sound of tropical birds and the gentle sway of palm trees, I can't help but pinch myself. Not only the physical space, but also the people make our retreat special. We have an amazing team of trainers and staff who are passionate about helping our guests reach their health and wellness goals. And the transformations we've seen are truly remarkable.

Our fitness retreat in Sri Lanka is a perfect place to unplug and recharge. The natural beauty surrounding us is fantastic, but more than that, it's the sense of community and support that you'll find here. Whether you're looking to lose weight, improve your strength, or just find a little inner peace, we'll support you every step of the way.

If you're looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and focus on yourself, come join us at our little piece of paradise in Sri Lanka. Trust me, it'll be the best decision you ever make.

Head over to our fitness retreat packages page to book a fitness retreat at Makahiya Fitness in Sri Lanka.

Escape the Everyday: 10 Reasons to Book a Fitness Retreat in Paradise

I know, I know. You're probably thinking, "Why on earth would I want to leave my cozy little home and spend a week sweating it out on some tropical island?" Well, let me tell you, a fitness retreat in a tropical location is not just about working out and getting fit. It's an experience that will change your life in ways you never thought possible. And here are 10 reasons why you should book one right now.

  1. The scenery. Let's be real, there's nothing quite like waking up to the sound of the ocean and a picturesque view of palm trees and crystal-clear water. It's the perfect backdrop to start your day and set the mood for an intense workout.

  2. The variety of workouts. Sure, you can hit the gym at home, but a fitness retreat offers a wide range of classes and activities that you might not have access to otherwise. From yoga to rock climbing, you'll be able to challenge your body in new and exciting ways.

  3. The community. One of the best things about a fitness retreat is the sense of community you'll experience. You'll be surrounded by like-minded individuals who are all working towards the same goal. It's a great way to make new friends and form lasting connections.

  4. The food. Not only will you be able to indulge in delicious, healthy meals, but you'll also learn about making healthier food choices and incorporating them into your daily routine.

  5. The relaxation. After a long day of working out, you deserve to relax and unwind. Many fitness retreats offer spa services and massages to help you do just that.

  6. The education. Not only will you learn new exercises and techniques, but you'll also gain knowledge about nutrition and self-care.

  7. The personal growth. A fitness retreat is not just about getting in shape physically, it's also about growing as a person. You'll learn about setting and achieving goals, and about pushing yourself to be the best version of yourself.

  8. The inspiration. Being surrounded by other people who are working hard to better themselves is incredibly inspiring. You'll leave feeling motivated and ready to take on the world.

  9. The fun. Let's not forget that a fitness retreat is also about having fun. You'll be able to enjoy activities such as hiking, swimming, and even dancing, all while getting a great workout.

  10. The memories. A fitness retreat is an experience you'll never forget. The memories you make and the connections you form will stay with you long after you've returned home.

So, there you have it. 10 reasons why you should book a fitness retreat in a tropical location. Trust me, it's an experience you won't regret. Pack your bags, grab your sunscreen and let's get ready to sweat!

9 tips for training in the heat of Sri Lanka

Top CrossFit Gym Sri Lanka | Makahiya Fitness

Going from a freezing gym to training in a hot, humid climate is a big adjustment for anyone. So when we decided to escape the grey Swedish winter for warm and wonderful Sri Lanka, we had to think carefully about how to prepare for hot-weather workouts.

From running on the beach to surfing at sunset, there are plenty of ways to get your sweat on in Sri Lanka. Exercise was high on our priority list – so as well as the things, places and restaurants we wanted to visit during our trip, we spent time researching gyms in the Galle area. That’s when we found Makahiya Fitness – a hidden gem for exercise fans.

Heat was definitely the biggest challenge while training in Sri Lanka. With temperatures reaching 25°C in the shade and humidity topping 80%, sweating is inevitable. If you’re coming from Europe – especially in the winter months – the conditions will be unfamiliar for your body. But with the right planning, you can quickly adjust to the climate and make the most of the many fitness opportunities on offer at Makahiya.

So to make sure you’re as prepared as possible for training in hot weather, we’ve put together our top tips on what to consider both before and during your trip. From packing essentials to workout advice, the little list below should help you get the best from your fitness holiday.

Looking for somewhere to eat, stay and train in Sri Lanka? Check out the room rates at Makahiya’s boutique fitness retreat.

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Whether you’re hiking, surfing or braving a bootcamp at Makahiya, your body will lose a lot of liquid during any exercise in Sri Lanka. Bring a reusable water bottle with you and refill it regularly. Take care to stay hydrated before, during and after workouts. Because of the heat, it’s worth choosing an insulated bottle that will keep water cool. If you forget, you can buy a stainless steel flask from the Makahiya merch store.

2. Restore your bodily balance with electrolytes

Electrolytes are a great way to restore the fluid balance in your body after a sweaty session. Pack some powders in your suitcase, grab one of the booster shots at Makahiya’s café, or try nature’s own recovery drink: the humble king coconut – in plentiful supply in Sri Lanka!

3. Pack a cap and cream for sun protection

It’s nice to tan while you train, but the sun is strong in Sri Lanka. Be smart and take precautions. Pack a cap to protect your head from direct rays and bring a cream to keep your skin safe. Factor 50 might sound like overkill, but you’ll want a lotion strong enough to shield you – and sturdy enough to stay on while you sweat. A robust surfing sunscreen should do the trick.

4. Bring clothes that let your body breathe

Lightweight exercise attire is an absolute must. Your body needs to breathe during any workout – and that’s especially true when the thermometer hits 30°C. Pack thin, loose layers made from wicking material. You might also want to bring a quick-dry towel – handy for mopping your brow during a workout, or drying off after a dip in the sea.

5. Add laundry powder to your wash bag

Power cuts are a reality of daily life in Sri Lanka. So while most accommodation – including Makahiya – offers laundry facilities, you won’t always be able to use a washing machine to clean your workout clothes. Bring washing powder to rinse your kit by hand. Laundry dries quickly in the sun, so you’ll soon be ready to sweat in it again.

6. Bring bar grips to help your holds

Sweaty hands are inevitable when training in hot weather, which can make it tricky to grip a barbell or hold the rig while you’re swinging. Liquid chalk is difficult to find in Sri Lanka – plus it doesn’t work well on wet palms. Bar grips are a much better bet. You’ll find a few at Makahiya, but consider bringing your own if you know that they suit your specific technique.

7. Time your workouts right

Training in the middle of the day will soon take its toll. The best time to exercise is early in the morning or late in the afternoon: the sun isn’t as strong, so the temperature is more pleasant. Makahiya workouts also go ahead rain or shine – so you can exercise during a tropical downpour, for a really refreshing session.

8. Cool off in the pool

The pool is your friend when you’re feeling the heat. Makahiya is home to an infinity pool that’s perfect for morning laps – or an afternoon dip to take the edge off. If you fancy a new challenge in the water, you can also try one of Makahiya’s unique weighted pool workouts, using dumbbells and slam balls.

9. Know your limits

This is probably the most important rule: when you arrive in Sri Lanka, take time to acclimatise. Even the fittest individuals can struggle with such a big shift in climate. Don’t push yourself too hard at the start – and listen to your body during workouts. If you’re struggling, stop for some water and speak to a trainer.