
Embark on a Transformative Journey.

Experience a highly personalised and transformative journey with our bespoke programme, perfectly aligned to your unique circumstances, goals & requirements. Whether you’re addressing significant health challenges, responding to a wake-up call regarding your well-being, or recovering from an injury, our programme includes:

  • Highly Personalised Fitness and Diet Assessments

  • Goal-Specific Training and Diet Plans

  • Daily Coaching Sessions

  • Private Health, Fitness & Dietary consultations

  • Recovery Protocols

Post-retreat, we’ll check in with you to ensure you’re on track and offer ongoing guidance for sustained success beyond your stay.

Right for you?

Important Considerations:

  • Not for Everyone.

  • Limited Availability.

  • Health must be Priority.

  • Willing to invest in yourself.

“Don’t allow taking care of your health to becomes a necessity rather than a choice.”

Programme Details:

  • Minimum Stay: 14-nights

  • Prices: Start at £5,600

  • Recommended Duration: The ideal length of stay will be determined based on your current state, desired outcomes, and the challenges you face.

What's the Difference and Why the Price Tag?

Our approach is unique, no one does it the way we do. We limit our capacity and only work with those who are truly ready. This is why we are oversubscribed and have a waiting list.

Once you commit to this life-changing investment, we begin immediately with an in-depth online consultation.

Our diagnostic approach uncovers the underlying reasons for your current condition. Our findings will guide us in designing a highly personalised roadmap to success, taking into consideration your work, family, dietary needs, travel, health, and access to facilities, among other factors.

When you arrive, our world-class coaching staff will guide you through every aspect of this multi-tiered approach. We continually monitor and adapt every part of your nutrition, training, and recovery plan.

There's also the option for comprehensive blood work analysis and DNA testing. Blood work provides a real-time view of your health, while DNA testing offers insights into genetic markers, allowing us to create optimal programming, informed nutrition and supplement guidance, and injury prevention strategies. For guests staying longer, we can arrange a DEXA body scan, which provides invaluable data on bone density, fat, and muscle mass.

We pride ourselves on creating a laser-focused, highly personalised programme. We recognise that everyone is different, and what works for one may not work for another.

Price Tag: The cost is highly personalised, reflecting the complexity of your current situation and desired goals. It’s an investment in achieving not only the body you desire but also optimal health. While there are superficial options such as plastic surgery, drugs, fad diets, and quick-fix supplements, true transformation requires effort, commitment, and expert guidance

.The truth is, health and fitness can't be faked. However, you can uncover the secrets that successful individuals use to maintain peak fitness and wellbeing in the shortest time possible. Cut through the noise of quick-fix fads, marketing hype, and confusion.

What is your health worth? That’s something only you can decide.