
9 tips for training in the heat of Sri Lanka

Top CrossFit Gym Sri Lanka | Makahiya Fitness

Going from a freezing gym to training in a hot, humid climate is a big adjustment for anyone. So when we decided to escape the grey Swedish winter for warm and wonderful Sri Lanka, we had to think carefully about how to prepare for hot-weather workouts.

From running on the beach to surfing at sunset, there are plenty of ways to get your sweat on in Sri Lanka. Exercise was high on our priority list – so as well as the things, places and restaurants we wanted to visit during our trip, we spent time researching gyms in the Galle area. That’s when we found Makahiya Fitness – a hidden gem for exercise fans.

Heat was definitely the biggest challenge while training in Sri Lanka. With temperatures reaching 25°C in the shade and humidity topping 80%, sweating is inevitable. If you’re coming from Europe – especially in the winter months – the conditions will be unfamiliar for your body. But with the right planning, you can quickly adjust to the climate and make the most of the many fitness opportunities on offer at Makahiya.

So to make sure you’re as prepared as possible for training in hot weather, we’ve put together our top tips on what to consider both before and during your trip. From packing essentials to workout advice, the little list below should help you get the best from your fitness holiday.

Looking for somewhere to eat, stay and train in Sri Lanka? Check out the room rates at Makahiya’s boutique fitness retreat.

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Whether you’re hiking, surfing or braving a bootcamp at Makahiya, your body will lose a lot of liquid during any exercise in Sri Lanka. Bring a reusable water bottle with you and refill it regularly. Take care to stay hydrated before, during and after workouts. Because of the heat, it’s worth choosing an insulated bottle that will keep water cool. If you forget, you can buy a stainless steel flask from the Makahiya merch store.

2. Restore your bodily balance with electrolytes

Electrolytes are a great way to restore the fluid balance in your body after a sweaty session. Pack some powders in your suitcase, grab one of the booster shots at Makahiya’s café, or try nature’s own recovery drink: the humble king coconut – in plentiful supply in Sri Lanka!

3. Pack a cap and cream for sun protection

It’s nice to tan while you train, but the sun is strong in Sri Lanka. Be smart and take precautions. Pack a cap to protect your head from direct rays and bring a cream to keep your skin safe. Factor 50 might sound like overkill, but you’ll want a lotion strong enough to shield you – and sturdy enough to stay on while you sweat. A robust surfing sunscreen should do the trick.

4. Bring clothes that let your body breathe

Lightweight exercise attire is an absolute must. Your body needs to breathe during any workout – and that’s especially true when the thermometer hits 30°C. Pack thin, loose layers made from wicking material. You might also want to bring a quick-dry towel – handy for mopping your brow during a workout, or drying off after a dip in the sea.

5. Add laundry powder to your wash bag

Power cuts are a reality of daily life in Sri Lanka. So while most accommodation – including Makahiya – offers laundry facilities, you won’t always be able to use a washing machine to clean your workout clothes. Bring washing powder to rinse your kit by hand. Laundry dries quickly in the sun, so you’ll soon be ready to sweat in it again.

6. Bring bar grips to help your holds

Sweaty hands are inevitable when training in hot weather, which can make it tricky to grip a barbell or hold the rig while you’re swinging. Liquid chalk is difficult to find in Sri Lanka – plus it doesn’t work well on wet palms. Bar grips are a much better bet. You’ll find a few at Makahiya, but consider bringing your own if you know that they suit your specific technique.

7. Time your workouts right

Training in the middle of the day will soon take its toll. The best time to exercise is early in the morning or late in the afternoon: the sun isn’t as strong, so the temperature is more pleasant. Makahiya workouts also go ahead rain or shine – so you can exercise during a tropical downpour, for a really refreshing session.

8. Cool off in the pool

The pool is your friend when you’re feeling the heat. Makahiya is home to an infinity pool that’s perfect for morning laps – or an afternoon dip to take the edge off. If you fancy a new challenge in the water, you can also try one of Makahiya’s unique weighted pool workouts, using dumbbells and slam balls.

9. Know your limits

This is probably the most important rule: when you arrive in Sri Lanka, take time to acclimatise. Even the fittest individuals can struggle with such a big shift in climate. Don’t push yourself too hard at the start – and listen to your body during workouts. If you’re struggling, stop for some water and speak to a trainer.