Why Our Fitness Retreat in Sri Lanka is the Perfect Place to Unplug and Recharge

When James and I first made the decision to move to Sri Lanka and open a fitness retreat in the jungle, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into! But it was a journey that we will always remember.

Finding the perfect location was a challenge in itself. We viewed so many plots of land before finally choosing our dream location in the most picturesque spot. Makahiya is at the top of a hill (perfect for hill runs!), overlooking lush paddy fields and beautiful palm trees. The building process was a huge challenge as literally everything was built from the ground up. We dealt with some intense situations from rebuilding the pool ourselves by hand, unexpectedly long rainy seasons and flooding, last minute design changes, monkeys stealing our building supplies and a lot more! All the hard work and craziness has all been worth it and our retreat centre - Makahiya Fitness - is actually here.

As I sit in the restaurant on my laptop in our very own retreat centre, surrounded by the sound of tropical birds and the gentle sway of palm trees, I can't help but pinch myself. Not only the physical space, but also the people make our retreat special. We have an amazing team of trainers and staff who are passionate about helping our guests reach their health and wellness goals. And the transformations we've seen are truly remarkable.

Our fitness retreat in Sri Lanka is a perfect place to unplug and recharge. The natural beauty surrounding us is fantastic, but more than that, it's the sense of community and support that you'll find here. Whether you're looking to lose weight, improve your strength, or just find a little inner peace, we'll support you every step of the way.

If you're looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and focus on yourself, come join us at our little piece of paradise in Sri Lanka. Trust me, it'll be the best decision you ever make.

Head over to our fitness retreat packages page to book a fitness retreat at Makahiya Fitness in Sri Lanka.