In our daily classes and throughout our community, you'll come across various abbreviations we commonly use. Whether you're a seasoned CrossFit guru or just starting out, get ready to embrace the lingo that we use!
The most common examples include:
1. WOD: Workout of the Day
2. AMRAP: As Many Rounds (or Repetitions) as Possible
3. EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute
4. RFT: Rounds For Time
5. TTB: Toes-to-Bar
6. HSPU: Handstand Push-Up
7. OHS: Overhead Squat
8. C&J: Clean and Jerk
9. KBS: Kettlebell Swing
10. AKBS: American Kettlebell Swing
11. RKBS: Russian Kettlebell Swing
12. GHD: Glute-Ham Developer (Back Extension)
13. C2B: Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up
14. BMU: Bar Muscle-Up
15. RMU: Ring Muscle-Up
16. SDHP: Sumo Deadlift High Pull
17. RDL: Romanian Deadlift
18. TGU: Turkish Get-Up
19. GTOH: Ground-to-Overhead
20. RX: As Prescribed (performing the workout as written without modifications)
Join us for epic workouts and top-notch coaching, tackling these abbreviations like a pro. Want to take it to the next level? How about booking a fitness holiday at Makahiya Fitness in Sri Lanka for the ultimate fitness getaway? It's all about the good times, getting fit, and feeling inspired. See you at Makahiya!