
Makahiya Fitness: First affiliated HYROX gym in Sri Lanka

The fitness world is talking about it. HYROX has been dominating the fitness industry of late and it is only set to get BIGGER.

On which note, we are pleased to announce that Makahiya is now the only HYROX affiliated gym in Sri Lanka.

Not heard of HYROX? Let us give you some insight into what a HYROX race involves.

What is HYROX? 

Created in 2017 by Christian Toetzke and Felix Eitner, the aim was to bring together athletes from various disciplines and fitness levels, offering an inclusive environment. 

Accommodating both professional athletes and everyday fitness enthusiasts looking to take their training to the next level, HYROX truly is the sport for everybody.

Combining running and functional workout stations, participants run 1km, followed by 1 functional workout station, repeated eight times. 

This race format remains consistent across the globe, enabling global leaderboards and a cumulative World Championships at the end of each race season.

HYROX Camp Sri Lanka

Here at Makahiya

From structured workouts to igniting your competitive spark, our HYROX sessions at Makahiya Fitness Sri Lanka, offer the structure and balance to either prepare you for a HYROX race or give you that workout high. See our weekly schedule for details on timings and prices.

So, whether you’ve only just heard of HYROX, or you’re a seasoned athlete, we have a workout for you. What’s more, you’ll be training in the tropical surroundings of Makahiya Fitness, based on the top of a hill in beautiful Sri Lanka.

We’re planning various HYROX Training Camps at Makahiya Fitness, to include race strategy, technique work, endurance building and lots more. Plus you’ll get to meet other fellow HYROX athletes and make friends for life!

Keep an eye on our website and Instagram for more details. Alternatively, pop us a message on WhatsApp, email or Instagram and we will happily answer any questions you may have. 

If you want to know more about the benefits of training for HYROX, take a look at our article ‘An Introduction to HYROX: The Ultimate Fitness Challenge for more details.

Book a stay with us - we’re open all year round! Minimum stay is 3 nights and you can see our prices and inclusions via our ‘Stay’ page.

From Newbie to Pro: Navigate CrossFit Abbreviations with Confidence

In our daily classes and throughout our community, you'll come across various abbreviations we commonly use. Whether you're a seasoned CrossFit guru or just starting out, get ready to embrace the lingo that we use!

The most common examples include:

1. WOD: Workout of the Day

2. AMRAP: As Many Rounds (or Repetitions) as Possible

3. EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute

4. RFT: Rounds For Time

5. TTB: Toes-to-Bar

6. HSPU: Handstand Push-Up

7. OHS: Overhead Squat

8. C&J: Clean and Jerk

9. KBS: Kettlebell Swing

10. AKBS: American Kettlebell Swing

11. RKBS: Russian Kettlebell Swing

12. GHD: Glute-Ham Developer (Back Extension)

13. C2B: Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up

14. BMU: Bar Muscle-Up

15. RMU: Ring Muscle-Up

16. SDHP: Sumo Deadlift High Pull

17. RDL: Romanian Deadlift

18. TGU: Turkish Get-Up

19. GTOH: Ground-to-Overhead

20. RX: As Prescribed (performing the workout as written without modifications)

Join us for epic workouts and top-notch coaching, tackling these abbreviations like a pro. Want to take it to the next level? How about booking a fitness holiday at Makahiya Fitness in Sri Lanka for the ultimate fitness getaway? It's all about the good times, getting fit, and feeling inspired. See you at Makahiya!

Makahiya Fitness Competition, September 2023

What is an ‘inclusive competition’?

An inclusive competition is an event that welcomes participants of all skill levels, abilities, and backgrounds to compete together. The focus is on creating a supportive and encouraging environment, allowing athletes to challenge themselves while embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity.

It also means they’ll be no technical movements such as gymnastics or Olympic weightlifting, ensuring everyone can participate and enjoy the experience.

What should I expect from the Makahiya fitness competition this September?

Participants can still expect to perform a variety of challenging and functional exercises. These movements focus on building overall fitness, strength, endurance, and agility. Some examples of movements you might encounter in the competition include:

1. Cardiovascular exercises: Running, rowing or ski erg
2. Bodyweight exercises: Push-ups, air squats, burpees, box jumps
3. Dumbbell movements: Dumbbell snatches, dumbbell thrusters, dumbbell lunges
4. Kettlebell exercises: Kettlebell swings, goblet squats, kettlebell deadlifts, farmers carry
5. Medicine ball exercises: Wall balls, medicine ball slams, medicine ball twists
6. Sandbag movements: Sandbag carries, sandbag cleans, sandbag squats
7. Push or pull movements: Using a weighted sled to push or pull, or a sandbag attached to a harness to drag
8. Barbell lifts: deadlift, overhead press, front or back squat

These movements, while not involving complex gymnastics or Olympic lifts, still offer a comprehensive and challenging test of an athlete's functional fitness capabilities. They require a combination of strength, endurance, and coordination, providing a well-rounded, hybrid fitness experience in the competition.

Book a fitness holiday at Makahiya Fitness in Sri Lanka and we’ll help you reach your goals: